Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Bittersweet Visit

So, Tiff visited me this last weekend, in preperation for the long-awaited release of U23D!! For months we have been waiting, and at last it was set to come visit us here in Ohio! I live in Columbus, so sister visited me, and we were all set to see it on monday morning, which is when it had been advertised as showing. Monday morning comes, and they CHANGED the times!!! We couldn't go!!!! So, now neither one of us has seen it yet--and when we do, it will be apart, which makes it very sad and tragic.

We did do lotsa crafts, and exchanged gifts (ALWAYS a holiday excuse to do that!)--here is a picture of the banner that she made for my daughter. Once again, please excuse the coloring, I think my next big purchase will be a new camera!

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